I recently read a post about decontructionism…and oy-vay. Post-modernism's uber-academic language makes me feel stupid. I need to use a dictionary for words that have no practical usage, eg. poststructuralists, psychodynamic, “the performative nature of the self,” “normalizing regimes deploy power,” “embrace the subversive potential of unorthodox
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Also, consent to horrifying acts of violence has been used as a defense against charges of rape, even when-especially when?-video or other recordings were made of the assaults. Prostitution, pornography, and sadopatriarchy play a major role in the abuse of women and children-in practice, they often cannot be separated. For example, in
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Holy Christ. In university (Laurier) I feel even more of a sexual outsider than i did in high school. Sexuality is just so connected with misogyny, and even racism at times (e.g. the mythology of the "big black cock"), that it goes without notice. after all, it's all in good fun, and you're not one of those humourless, anti-sex bitches, are you
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there's some guy (or guys) who's using my blog as his own soap box. according to him, the woman accussing the duke university men of rape is a lying "slut" our for money and those poor innocent boys are being railroaded by lying evil sexist, racist feminists and d.a.s who are out to destroy innocent lives
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Damn, even gay erotica is getting harder and harder to find. it's becoming even more violent, non-consensual, borderline pedophilic, masculinity-worshipping, e.g. cops, businessmen, bikers, even nazis
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